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carabao billiards

CV. CARABAO INDONESIA is a company that operates in the field of sports equipment distribution, especially billiards. CV. CARABAO INDONESIA provides international quality billiard equipment to support customer needs and to advance Indonesian billiards. We also support the progress of Indonesian billiards by sponsoring tournaments held in Indonesia. As for our efforts to support outstanding young athletes, in the form of equipment and other supporting facilities.


Being a national and international distribution and retail
company, excelling in the quality of authorized products,
competitive prices and friendly service to all customers.
Customer satisfaction is our responsibility.


Continuously provide premium quality original products to meet
customer needs. Developing distribution and retail networks
throughout Indonesia. Adding product variants to meet
consumer needs. Make innovations to advance sports, especially
billiards. Expand the distributor and retail business in other

Learn from CEO


Founded by Hendra Kurniawan, starting from providing complementary billiard accessories and until now developing as a distributor of pool tables, pool sticks and accessories. Speed, service quality, fastest response time, quality control and warranty are our main assets to provide the best service to customers.

Hendra Kurniawan
- Founder Carabao Billiards
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