Carabao Official

Aramith Balls “Black”


Billiard pool table premium quality made by the belgian company Saluc.
This paticular model was used in Mosconi Cup and other event in the future.
Why are better this Cue balls?

Optimal rebound: Molecular structure and elasticity of the Aramith resin assure optimal rebound for a perfect control of every shot and reduce more than others the risk for kicks.

The ultimate in balance: The perfect homogeneity of the material in the plain as well as in the numbered part of the ball guarantees perfectly true and accurate roll.

Very strong and scratch resistant:Withstands over 50 times more impacts and is far more scratch resistant than other balls. Holds its high gloss polish longer than any other ball.

Less marks on cloth and balls: Resists at the instant friction temperature of 250°C when the ball slips into motion. No abrasion or flat spots on the ball that accumulate dirt and wear the cloth !

Extra long life: Easily maintained with the Aramith ball cleaner, the Aramith balls will last up to five times longer than any other ball.

Details of this cue balls det:

Diameter 57,20mm;

White billiard ball with black dots;

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